Private Practice Pals

Private Practice Pals is a worldwide platform or apparatus, which is designed and dedicated to the professional multi-disciplinary community of behavioral and mental health professionals, particularly those who are in, or entering into private practice. It is intended to improve mental healthcare and service to the community by supporting and developing those who provide the services. The forums, programs resources and tools available within the Private practice Pals apparatus serves to address the many challenges and issues which at present beset the private practitioner. The solution based apparatus, Private Practice Pals provides and fosters the opportunity for behavioral and mental health professionals to get connected and stay connected, to share information, to contribute and exchange knowledge, to collaborate, to learn and to subsequently grow and prosper. Part of this goal is accomplished via face to face, online discussion and professional support and development systems. The mission of Private Practice Pals is accomplished by and through the full implementation of the following services and programs:

The mission of Private Practice Pals is accomplished by and through the full implementation of a multitude of services and programs that aim to uplift the community members we serve. If you are a clinician in private practice reviewing our page, ask me how you can join us!